23 November 2015

Ready for winter! (part one)

Zimske crne kožne rukavice!
(Winter black leather gloves!)

Ovo je prva stvar s kojom ću vas upoznati, a da spada u "must have" za nadolazeće zimske dane.
(This is the first thing that I will introduce to you and it is a "must have" for incoming winter days.)

Prvi put do sada sam se odlučila kupiti kožne rukavice. Daju jednu eleganciju i ozbiljnost pri različitim modnim kombinacijama.
(For the first time in my life I decided to buy leather gloves. They contribute to elegancy and severity of my look at various fashion cominations.)
Kupila sam ih na sniženju u Silver trgovini. Ove su iz prošle zimske kolekcije, ali sviđaju mi se bez obzira na to.
(I bought them at low price in Silver shop. They are from last year's winter collection, but I don't mind, I like them anyway.)
Ukrašene su sa mašnicom što mi se jako sviđa. Nisam htjela kupiti neke preozbiljne kao za starije žene, tako da su ove savršene i po mome ukusu.
(They are decorated with a bruise and I really like that. I didn't want to buy too serious gloves for older women, so these ones perfectly fit my taste.)

rukavice (gloves): Silver trgovina (local shop)


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